Welcome to the Friends of Rowntree Park!

The Friends of Rowntree Park is a charity which seeks to promote the well-being of the Park and its users.  The park is owned by the council and we consult with them on developments and changes to the park. We also carry out some practical tasks, such as gardening and maintenance and we run a wide range of events and activities for the community.

We run a membership scheme; by joining the Friends, you can support our work.  We also welcome active volunteers.  You can find out more about the Friends of Rowntree Park here.

You can find out more about our membership scheme here.

The park is owned and managed by the council so please contact them directly if you want to discuss management issues regarding the park. The out-of-hours contact number is 01904 625751.

Rowntree Park Reading Cafe is run by York Explore.  Please contact them directly if you wish to discuss matters relating to the cafe and/or library